A new live recording release: Jan Mazura – Návraty

  • On 20. 4. 2023 ·
  • By ·
A new live recording release: Jan Mazura – Návraty

Check out two best pieces from our concert on October 9, 2022 in Jazz Dock, where we premiered a new suite by pianist and composer Jan Mazura.

You can also listen to it on YouTube as well as on all other major streaming platforms.

Plakát k premiéře projektu Concept Art Orchestra a Jan Mazura – Návraty, 9. 10. 2022, Jazz Dock, Praha (foto Ondřej Šuran / Storytellers Photography, design Lenka Soukup Procházková)

See the pictures from the rehearsal and two sets of pictures from the concert here and here.